templates/default/index.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}Welcome{% endblock %}
  3. {% block pageId %}home{% endblock %}
  4. {% block main_navbar %}
  5. <li class="nav-item">
  6. <a class="nav-link" aria-current="page" href="#home">Home</a>
  7. </li>
  8. <li class="nav-item">
  9. <a class="nav-link" href="#platform">Platform</a>
  10. </li>
  11. <li class="nav-item">
  12. <a class="nav-link" href="#features">Features</a>
  13. </li>
  14. <li class="nav-item">
  15. <a class="nav-link" href="#getting_started">Getting Started</a>
  16. </li>
  17. <li class="nav-item">
  18. <a class="nav-link" href="#contact">Contact</a>
  19. </li>
  20. {% endblock %}
  21. {% block body %}
  22. <div id="main_content" class="main-content container-fluid sectionWrap">
  23. <div id="home" class="dairy-office w-1200 m-auto row">
  24. <h2>What is DairyOffice?</h2>
  25. <p class="w-1200">
  26. Dairy farm data is becoming more and more valuable. Treat it with the same care you do your animals.
  27. </p>
  28. <p class="w-1200">
  29. RELIABLE FOR YOUR USE –Farmers who assure their data are accurate, secure, and well cared for make
  30. smart, data-driven decisions and are empowered to continuously improve their business and their
  31. bottom line.
  32. </p>
  33. <p class="w-1200">
  34. SELLABLE FOR OTHER’S USE –While your data is essential to improve your business, your data is also
  35. useful to others. How valuable depends on you. Data that are properly cared for have immense value
  36. to end-user purchasers of dairy products across the dairy food-supply chain and other farmers,
  37. veterinarians, educators, buyers or suppliers.
  38. </p>
  39. <p class="w-1200">
  40. TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING USE OF YOUR DATA MATTER -DairyOffice is an industry-defining,
  41. cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) solution that connects myriad farm data systems and the
  42. users who find value in the data. No more backup to thumb-drive transfers. No more remote access.
  43. No more wondering who has your data and what they areusing it for. Instead, the custodian of the
  44. data determines what data are shared, for what purpose, for how long –with an electronic paper trail
  45. of terms and conditions –while retaining data ownership throughout.
  46. </p>
  47. </div>
  48. <div id="platform" class="platform-wrapper w-100 row">
  49. <h2>Platform</h2>
  50. <div class="col-md-4 gatekeeper">
  51. <h3 class="h4 text-center">Gatekeeper</h3>
  52. <div class="px-2">
  53. GRANULAR ROLE-BASED AUTHORIZATION –If necessary, individual users can be grantedor restricted access
  54. to over 80 different data types.
  55. <img class="platform-gatekeeper w-100" alt="platform-gatekeeper" src="{{ asset('build/images/platform-gatekeeper.png') }}">
  56. </div>
  57. </div>
  58. <div class="col-md-4 connector">
  59. <h3 class="h4 text-center">Connector</h3>
  60. <div>
  61. <img class="platform-connector w-100" alt="platform-connector" src="{{ asset('build/images/platform-connector.png') }}">
  62. </div>
  63. </div>
  64. <div class="col-md-4 automator">
  65. <h3 class="h4 text-center">Automator</h3>
  66. <div class="col-md-4 float-start px-1">
  67. <h4 class="h6">THE FAMILIARITY OF THE COMMAND LINE</h4>
  68. DairyOffice is the first to extend the familiar “COMMAND LINE” to access all farm data:
  69. <ul>
  70. <li>
  71. Feeding data
  72. </li>
  73. <li>
  74. Creamery receipts
  75. </li>
  76. <li>
  77. Rations
  78. </li>
  79. <li>
  80. Lab analysis
  81. </li>
  82. <li>
  83. Genomic data
  84. </li>
  85. <li>
  86. Animal sensors
  87. </li>
  88. <li>
  89. Farm sensors.
  90. </li>
  91. </ul>
  92. Weather data.
  93. </div>
  94. <div class="col-md-4 float-start px-1">
  95. <h4 class="h6">THE POWER OF CLOUD COMPUTE</h4>>
  96. Automatically connect your data to industry modelsrunning in the cloud.
  97. <ul>
  98. <li>
  99. Nutrition models
  100. </li>
  101. <li>
  102. MilkBot™
  103. </li>
  104. <li>
  105. Greenhouse Gas Models
  106. </li>
  107. <li>
  108. Artificial Intelligence
  109. </li>
  110. </ul>
  111. </div>
  112. <div class="col-md-4 float-start px-1">
  113. <h4 class="h6">DELIVERED AS YOU WANT</h4>>
  114. DairyOffice supports presenting your data as you desire.
  115. <ul>
  116. <li>
  117. PowerBI
  118. </li>
  119. <li>
  120. Microsoft Excel
  121. </li>
  122. <li>
  123. Mobile App
  124. </li>
  125. <li>
  126. Emailed Report
  127. </li>
  128. <li>
  129. API
  130. </li>
  131. <li>
  132. CSV Export
  133. </li>
  134. </ul>
  135. </div>
  136. </div>
  137. </div>
  138. <div id="features" class="features w-1200 m-auto row">
  139. <h2>Features</h2>
  140. <p class="w-1200 text-start">
  141. DairyDrive™ is a marketplace of tools, built on the DairyOffice platform.
  142. <img class="feature w-100" alt="feature1" src="{{ asset('build/images/features1.png') }}">
  143. </p>
  144. <p class="w-1200 text-start">
  145. Modeler’s Workbench allows you to build and deploy custom models that automatically consume data and
  146. other models found in DairyOffice. Whether Artificial Intelligence models specific to your operation or
  147. a custom model specific to your product, focus on what you know and let the power of DairyOffice take
  148. care of the rest.
  149. <img class="feature w-100" alt="feature2" src="{{ asset('build/images/features2.png') }}">
  150. </p>
  151. <p class="w-1200 text-start">
  152. Data Visualizer<br>
  153. Inspired by soil maps for cropping operations, data visualizer presents a heat map of your operation. Spot trends visually. Insights for action.
  154. <img class="feature w-100" alt="feature3" src="{{ asset('build/images/features3.png') }}">
  155. </p>
  156. </div>
  157. <div id="getting_started" class="getting-started m-auto w-1200 row">
  158. <h2>Getting Started</h2>
  159. <p class="w-1200">
  160. You must first create a user account to access DairyOffice. You can do that
  161. <a href="https://authorization.dairyoffice.com/Register" target="_blank">here</a>.
  162. </p>
  163. <p class="w-1200">
  165. Here’s the process to setup your farm.
  166. </p>
  167. <p class="w-1200">
  169. Here’s the process to get registered.
  170. </p>
  171. <p class="w-1200">
  173. Click here for more information.
  174. </p>
  175. </div>
  176. <div id="contact" class="contact w-1200 m-auto row">
  177. <h2>Contact</h2>
  178. <div class="col-md-4 float-start px-1 text-center">
  179. <h4 class="h5">Information</h4>
  180. <a href="mailto:info@dairyoffice.com">info@dairyoffice.com</a><br>
  181. </div>
  182. <div class="col-md-4 float-start px-1 text-center">
  183. <h4 class="h5">Support</h4>
  184. <a href="mailto:support@dairyoffice.com">support@dairyoffice.com</a><br>
  185. <a href="tel:612-819-0036">(612) 819-0036</a>
  186. </div>
  187. <div class="col-md-4 float-start px-1 text-center">
  188. <h4 class="h5">Service Provider</h4>
  189. <a href="mailto:dewayne@dairyoffice.com">dewayne@dairyoffice.com</a><br>
  190. <a href="tel:612-819-0036">(612) 819-0036</a>
  191. </div>
  192. </div>
  193. </div>
  194. {% endblock %}